A Citadel....Moulding Aspirations to Success

There has been unremitting flowering of this school-seed the sprouting of which we all have witnessed since the day I took charge of this institution. We have always marched ahead since then and not looked back, of course, footing away all the hurdles that came in our way.

The core focus of our prestigious insitution is to explore innovative thinkers, creative and far-sighted planners and effective practitioners. Our institution is a citadel of education, an institution to reckon with.

My sole motive is to emphasis on the overall development of personality of a student, therefore, my approach is totally process-oriented. I want my students to be meticulous planner in their life.

To facilitate the above mentioned, there begins an obligation to read into the child's psyhology and tackle him/her as required. Providing a healthy and sound enviroment is my duty.

The school has been place in the bracket category at District Level in Std. X and +2 CBSE Examination results, Academic excellence is at the core, therefore total focus is Academics. Weekly Tests and Unit Tests are regular feature.

The way a sculptor gives shape to an art piece, with chiseling of the stone, curving genuinely every sinew, we impart distinct and unique artifact (intellectual, moral, social & emotional) to our pupils.

Navjeet Singh Sarkaria